You helped Tracey get her family back on track
After a breakup, Tracey moved with her three children to a new town. Defeated and with bills piling up, a friend suggested The Salvation Army. Thanks to supporters like you, she found vital food assistance, and much more.
‘Along with practical help in the form of food parcels came the emotional support of feeling loved and cared for.’
Tracey's Story
‘Finding The Salvation Army was like finding a lifeline. My recent breakup had taken a toll on me, and I was in a bad space emotionally and financially.
I was amazed at how generous the food parcel was. It was very helpful for school lunches. Being put on a kai plan was a relief. I had thought the help would be one-off and then you’d go away and struggle some more. When I received the second parcel, I was able to redirect food money to the bills. By week four, I felt like I was getting back on my feet.
Along with practical help in the form of food parcels came the emotional support of feeling loved and cared for. I felt, as a newly solo mum, that someone had my back. A sense of community can be hard to find when you move to a new place. This is where I’ve found it. The food parcels brought new opportunities for me and my children. We found more and more things to get involved with.
I’ve been brought up to give back when I’ve received help so of course I wanted to do that. I started volunteering in the foodbank. That was when I discovered they were stocked thanks to donations from the public. I hadn’t realised that The Salvation Army had to fundraise to run its foodbanks. Once or twice, when a massive bill came up, I had food help again and felt deep gratitude to the donors.
When I was asked to apply for a position as a wellbeing worker for the Sallies and got the job, I was so proud of myself. I had an overwhelming urge to give back. I went onto The Foodbank Project website and donated. It was something I needed to do because I know what a lifeline help with kai can be. We love adding products we get through the Foodbank Project into the food parcels we give out and we’re so grateful for every item donated and every dollar of cash.
Now, I can help others. I am empathetic because I know the struggle. It helps people to relax when they realise that I’ve walked in their shoes. As they let me in a little more on their story, it enables us to know how we can help, not just with immediate things like food but also with our wraparound services that can bring long-lasting change.
When my partner left, it was a big hit—emotionally, mentally, physically and financially. You go through a lot when you lose a whole entire life. Now, I’ve done a 180. I’ve rebuilt my life, better and stronger. And it all started with a food parcel.’